Ongoing research projects

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    Decision Problems for Logics with Weak Forms of Recursion

    Principal Investigator of NCN 2024/53/N/ST6/01390 grant.

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    ONTEGRA: Ontology-based access to Temporal and Graph Data

    Part-time postdoctorial researcher of Magdalena Ortiz.

Past projects

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    DeciGUT:A Grand Unified Theory of Decidability
    in Logic-Based Knowledge Representation

    Research associate in ERC Consolidation Grant DeciGUT

    Project webpage: here

    The project deals with the formal foundations of knowledge management as well as their application in today's information society. Among the biggest challenges in this area are the intelligent access to digital information as well as the automated composition of information from diverse sources. For these purposes, logical specifications of background knowledge - so-called ontologies - can be used together with automated reasoning techniques in order to enable a "meaning-aware" handling of data. Unfortunately, reasoning in ontology languages of high expressivity is impossible to capture algorithmically – they are undecidable. Therefore, the quest for "good" ontology languages consists in identifying logical formalisms which are as expressive as possible, yet still decidable. Hitherto, the obtained results in this area have, however, been patchy and fragmented. The goal of the DeciGUT project is the creation of a unified theory of decidability, which in turn will enable the definition of new, advanced ontology languages. The project is of high relevance to diverse scientific fields like mathematical logic, artificial intelligence, and database theory with potentially far-reaching impact in areas such as semantic technologies and information systems.
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    Logics with generalized counting quantifiers
    for data-aware processes and database systems

    Principal Investigator in Diamond Grant DI2017 006447.

    Project webpage: [not yet]

    The main goal of the project is to develop decision procedures and to study theoretical properties of logics extended with generalized counting quantifiers. Such quantifiers will formalize a numerous constructs from natural language e.g. "at most", "an even number", "every five of", "at least" or "less than 70%".
    We will study satisfiability problem for logics on arbitrary structures as well as on data trees and words. We will also take a look at conjunctive query answering problem, where such quantifiers can be used to describe a potential knowledge base.
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    A quest for new computer logics

    Researcher in NCN 2016/21/B/ST6/01444 grant.

    Project webpage: link [pl], Project description: link [pl]

    During my employment in the project, I studied query languages to process XML documents, augmented with counting quantifiers. To be more precise, I studied the satisfiability problem for Two-Variable Fragment of First-Order Logic with various ways of counting interpreted on finite trees. I successfully produced three research papers, which were presented at ESSLLI 2017, CSL 2017 and FSTTCS 2017.